Two months ago, we brought you 25 Hot Singapore Girls To Follow On Instagram (October 2015). Based on our viewership statistics, we thought it was a pretty brilliant and enlightening list but there were gems that we have missed out. We appreciate the gentlemen and ladies who shared with us other hot Singapore babes whom we should follow on Instagram too. To add on the festivities in the celebratory month of December, here’s our list of 25 Hot Singapore Babes to follow on Instagram. Enjoy!
1. Sallyvevo
2. Rei_angeline
3. 9racequek
4. CynthiaKuang
5. katherineliang
6. chapter.twentyfour
7. aggylow
8. niqohlvictoria
9. smainey
10. tiniwong
11. hyorinee
12. jessicaljs
13. snnngorious
14. chelsea.xii
15. lecinlurve
16. gengenygen
17. elynnkoh
18. jae7iew
19. withlovemelodylow
20. evonnz
21. mscelinetan
22. levanlee
23. racheleeemq
24. sabbielove
25. melissaaalim
Apologies if we left out many other hot Singapore babes on Instagram. There is always to the next month to be featured. Guys, do let us know other suggestions in the comments section below