The Top Bird Watching Vacation Destinations In The World

Bird watching is a hobby that many people enjoy and there is nothing better than combining this with a nice holiday.  However, not all travel destinations will be ideal for bird watching.  If you want to do some bird watching while on holiday, you need to know what the best bird watching vacation destinations in the world and when you should be visiting. 

Bird Watching Vacation Destinations – Costa Rica

Costa Rica is famous for birdwatchers because of the number of nature reserves and birds that inhabit the country.  If you are looking to see a lot of different species of bird, this is one of the best vacation tours to do so.  Most of the birds that you will see in the country are tropical and offer an explosion of different colours.  You will be able to see quetzals, parrots, and toucans while visiting.

If you are visiting Costa Rica in April, you should head to the mountainous north-west of the country.  Monteverde is one of the best bird watching locations in the country and offers 20,000 hectares of land to explore.  There is a good network of trails that you can take and there are more than 450 bird species recorded living there, so you never have to worry about not seeing anything.

Bird Watching Vacation Destinations – South Georgia

The island of South Georgia which is east of the Falkland Islands is not a destination that many people think of visiting.  However, if you want a different type of bird watching holiday, this is the best location for it.  There are 2 birds that you can see in all their glory on the island and they are worth the journey.

The first is the King penguins which inhabit the island in their thousands.  There are few places in the world that can rival the sheer numbers that live here, and you will be able to see them walking around on the island.  You can walk with them or sit in the middle of the group for a once in a lifetime experience.

The other bird that you should be on the lookout for is the albatross.  January will be the best time to see these birds as they land on the island to breed.  The albatross is an amazing bird to see as they have the largest wingspan of any living bird species, are extremely long-lived and rarely seen as they do not live in any set location.

Bird Watching Vacation Destinations – Peru

Peru is another country that is not known for bird watching but will offer you a great experience.  The type of bird that you will be able to see in Peru will depend on where in the country you are going.  The birds in the mountains will be very different from those in the cloud forest.

If you are heading to the mountains, you will have the chance to see the Andean condor.  This bird is the largest species that is able to take flight and is very elusive.  While the condor lives in a few South American countries, Peru is considered the best for sightings and one of the hotspots for this will be the Cruz del Condor.

In October, you should look at heading to the cloud forest near Abra Patricia instead.  Here you will have the chance of seeing the very rare marvellous spatuletail.  This hummingbird is unique because it only has 4 tail feathers which each move independently and are shown off by the males.

Bird Watching Vacation Destinations – South Africa

When people think about a safari in South Africa, they will think about lions and elephants but not birds.  However, the Kruger National Park is a good spot for bird watchers during the annual migration.  Between October and March, there are over 200 migrant bird species that can be spotted in the park along with the other bigger wildlife.

There are a number of birds that you will want to look out for when you are in the park.  The Big Six, which is the name given to the most desirable birds in the park, should be at the top of your list.  Most of these birds are actually easy to spot other than the fishing owl.  This is due to the fact that the fishing owl is nocturnal in nature which makes it harder to spot.

Bird Watching Vacation Destinations – Britain

If you are thinking of heading to Britain for your holiday, you need to make your way to Norfolk.  This is considered the best place for bird watching in the country and offers a wide range of inhabitants to see.  Norfolk offers marshlands and dunes which attract different types of birds including many of the rarer bird species.

One of the species that you can see during December is the pink-footed goose.  The mudflats in the area provide the safest roosting sites for these birds.  You will see them at their best at dawn and dusk when they are leaving and returning from their daily feeding forays.

If you head to Ticthwell Marsh, you will be able to see the migratory birds which come from the Arctic.  You will also be able to see warblers and spot bitterns as they pick their way through the lagoons.  There are other reserves that you can also visit to see all that the area has to offer.

Bird Watching Vacation Destinations – Kenya

The Rift Valley Lakes in Kenya is known as the Pink Lakes because of the hundreds of thousands of greater flamingo that live there.  This area is the single more important foraging site for these birds in the world and you will not be able to see similar numbers anywhere else.  The sheer magnitude of the locks will be worth the visit.

While the greater flamingo is common in the area, you will actually see lesser flamingo.  It is believed that there are around 4 million lesser flamingos in the area.  It is recommended that you visit the Rift Valley Lakes in September to see the flamingos in all their glory.

There are many different bird watching destinations around the world and you need to consider this when you plan a holiday.  Some of these locations will offer a vast array of birds while others are ideal for seeing a single type.

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