When you consider earning a degree in education, you might very well think that your main option in terms of career path with such a degree is to work as a teacher in a classroom with your own class of students. While this is no doubt, one of the primary reasons that many people earn a degree in education, it certainly isn’t the only option.
There are actually a great many options that those who earn a degree in education can pursue. These options vary in terms of the level of responsibility you might have at a school to the setting in which you might teach entirely. Moreover, they can vary a great deal in terms of salary and job security. That being said, most teaching positions provide a level of job security as there is and always will be a need for qualified and dedicated educators.
If you are considering a career in the field of education, here are four different types of jobs in education that you can consider pursuing.
1. SEN Teacher
The majority of teachers work in a traditional classroom with students of moderate to above-average academic capabilities. However, there are also students out there who need specialized education because of the personal or mental challenges they face.
Some students come from difficult backgrounds that have put them behind where they should be in their education. Such students need an educator who can work with them to meet them where they are at and bring them up to where they should be. Others might be living with certain learning or mental difficulties, that means they are unable to learn in the same way as their peers.
This is where special educational needs (SEN) teachers come into the picture. These teachers have been trained to specifically work with students when particular needs. Such teachers generally work with students in smaller groups so that they can better provide the attention and guidance that they need. SEN teacher training is a different type of teacher training that will prepare you to help students facing a variety of different challenges.
2. Careers Advisor
If you aspire to help young adults or even fully-grown individuals find the career path of their dreams, you might consider using your degree in education to become a careers advisor. The communication skills that you acquire through a degree in education will help you understand how to best take information and disseminate it to those who are looking to discover their true path in life.
As a careers advisor, you will need to have the ability to help those you are working with find their passion in life. This can be a challenge because such people might generally don’t have any clue about what that passion is themselves. Through analysis and research, you will be able to help others discover their calling and how to best achieve their goals.
3. Education Welfare Officer
Some students, for varying reasons, find it difficult to get to school. Some resist attending school outright, while others don’t have the means they need to get to school. Regardless of the reason for a particular student not attending school, an education welfare officer is meant to help them overcome their personal challenges and get to school.
Ultimately, education welfare officers understand just how important it is for students to get to school. They work with students to convey the significance of earning their education and do what they can to help those who are unable due to personal circumstances to get to school.
4. Headteacher
Some teachers discover that they have a penchant for leadership and decide that they want to use their experience and education to lead a school as a headteacher. This is a difficult and challenging job that comes with a great deal of responsibility. You have to bear in mind the needs of the students, first and foremost, while also balancing them with supporting the teachers and other faculty members at your school.
Becoming a headteacher is no easy feat. In addition to your baseline education, you will also need to acquire at least a master’s degree. You will also need to earn several years of experience working in the classroom and learning all about students’ needs and challenges that teachers face. The key to becoming an effective headteacher is to surround yourself with the best staff. With a staff that shares the same goals and values of education that you do, you can make a big difference in the lives of a great number of students.