Top Tips to Help You Promote Your Wellbeing When Abroad

Travel is an experience that more people today than ever before are privileged to enjoy. With the lowest flight costs in history, the emergence of services like Airbnb and Uber, have fuelled tourism around the world. Travel can be stressful too. For most, these are stressors that are easily managed, but if you already suffer from mental health disorders, they can cause a snowball effect fairly quickly. If your mental health is less than 100% before your trip, you should follow this guide to promote your wellbeing and enjoy your trip to its fullest:

Understand Yourself and Your Mental Health

If you are struck with fear by the mere prospect of a trip, that is okay, but what is not okay is not digging deeper into why. For some, the reason might be that they have an anxiety disorder or a borderline personality disorder. If either is true, you need to address the issues head-on, before you take your trip. Visit if you suspect you have BPD, and commit to the therapy you need to manage it. Only then you can focus on the trip and have a great time.

Make the Necessary Preparations

If your health requires medication, you will want to double check what you need to do before traveling. Some medication that is perfectly legal in your home country can be illegal at your destination. Speak with your doctor about what medication you can and cannot bring abroad, and work out alternatives for your trip.

Care for Your Health When Abroad

When on a trip, you often will want to eat the best food, drink heavily, and generally abandon your healthy routines. Don’t. You need to stay healthy when abroad to enjoy your trip as much as possible, especially if you are gone for a week or more.

One particularly important tip is, if you are travelling to a warm destination, is to drink plenty of water. Heatstroke can put an end to your trip faster than you can think, and is fairly simple to prevent with a hat, finding indoor activities during the hottest time of day, and staying hydrated.

Care for Your Wellbeing When Abroad

It is okay to take a break when you are on vacation. It is okay to skip going out for another heavy night of drinking, even if you visited a party town. You need to rest and care for your wellbeing just as you would any normal day of the week. There are plenty of alternatives available to enjoy that will allow you to make the most of your trip without burning yourself out.

Don’t let your mental health disorder hold you back from your dreams. Instead, prepare for it. Like any other disease, the secret to a successful vacation is to plan for it and to put contingency plans into place.

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