Benefits Of Using Resume Writing Services In 2021

Competition is set to be stiff for jobs in the USA and in Europe. In fact, the only places where you are likely to find a job easily are in the United Kingdom, Australia, and Thailand. Take the word of career blogger Ava Williams from the resume service Resumeble and discover the many benefits to a resume writing service in 2021.

The Job Market is More Competitive

This was touched upon in the introduction, but the fact is that the job market is troubled at the moment. The global lockdown has forced many people out of work and pushed many businesses to close forever. There are places like theatres, cinemas, comic book shops, and even holiday firms that will never open their doors again because they couldn’t afford to recover. Plus, with such an uncertain future with regards to global health, very few companies are willing to invest big money into recruitment drives. The fact is that jobs are going to be more difficult to come by, and this problem may run on for years. That is why you need to do all you can to get a job, including having a professionally written resume. This is exactly why companies like ARC Resumes ( exist – to assist you with this process.

You Are Blind to Your Own Imperfections

There are two facets to this theory. The first is that you cannot see how poorly written your resume is because you are the one who wrote it. Your goal was probably to create the best possible resume you could. With that in mind, how could you possibly judge your own work. Perhaps if it were a sculpture, you could stand back and ask if it looks like what you were sculpting, but there is no such frame of reference for a resume you wrote yourself.

The second facet is that we are blind to errors that we skim read. This fact applies whenever you write something yourself, be it a resume, poem, or article. Your job at the end is to re-read your work to check it for errors. However, you know what each sentence is meant to say, so through no fault of your own, you are going to accidentally skim read your own work and miss its errors. This is why people often say you should proofread a few days after writing.

As a side note, some people also say that regular people are bad at writing their own resume because of pride of authorship. It is a version of the IKEA effect. It states that if you make something yourself, then you are immeasurably more proud of it than if you bought it already completed. There is a chance that the resume you wrote was terrible, but you cannot see it because you have pride of authorship.

You Do Not Know What Managers and HR Staff Want

You may be splashing through an ever-shrinking job pool, and you may be blind to your own errors, but there is another flaw with your resume that you couldn’t have guessed. Each manager and HR team has different priorities, and you are very unlikely to know or understand those priorities.

When you hire a resume writing service, you are hiring the talents of people who know what managers and HR staff are looking for. Good writers can take your raw statistics and information, and craft it into something that is appealing to the person doing the hiring. On the flip side, professional writers know what “Not” to add to a resume. Many resumes are ignored because the plucky amateur writer added something he or she shouldn’t have.

The Power of Repetition

People often ask how and why a professional resume writer is so good at his or her job. Has that person had special training? Special qualifications? Or is that person some sort of writing wizard? The truth is that the biggest thing that separates regular resume writers from professional ones is experience.

You have probably written a few resumes in your time. Perhaps they were terrible, or perhaps they were okay. Now, imagine that you write a resume three times per day. Imagine you do it five days person week and imagine you have been doing that for five years. It is fair to say that with such a level of experience, whatever resume you write is going to be outstanding. That is the difference between a professional resume writer and an average Joe/Joanna. Such raw experience is bound to make anybody good at resume writing.


Perhaps you have your own reasons for hiring a resume writing service. The crux of the matter is if it is worth the money you spend, and there are two facets to the answer. Firstly, if you pick a good resume writing service, then the value for money goes hand in hand. Secondly, the value you receive is directly related to how you use your new resume. It is just like a new cycling machine; you get out as much as you put in. If you put your new resume to good use, then the monetary cost of having your resume written is money well spent.

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