How Sleep Deprivation Can Affect Your Relationship?

It is true that sufficient good quality sleep is essential for your mental and physical well-being and leading a productive life. Being in a good relationship adds to your complete well-being. Sufficient good quality sleep of both the partners can do wonders for your relationship. According to Sleep Standards, spending quality time in bed with your partner can elevate the level of your relationship. Sleeping next to your partner can have a positive impact on your individual physical and emotional well-being.

How sleep deprivation can affect your relationship?

Oxytocin also is known as “Cuddle Chemical” or “Love Hormone” is the force that boosts your relationship with your partner. It is a chemical compound that is produced in the brain. Oxytocin is known to boost feelings like empathy and trust, it can help in reducing stress levels and eliminate anxiety. Physical contact with your partner raises the level of oxytocin in your body which helps you feel relaxed and secure. All of these factors help you in falling asleep faster and boosts the quality of your sleep.  A relaxed mind and body require good quality sleep to help your brain in processing emotions and memories of the day gone by. A well-rested body and mind is a must for having a comfortable, productive, and full of new memories on the next day. On the other hand, sleep deprivation can have several adverse effects on your mind and body and may end up ruining your relationship with your partner.

1. Sleep deprivation can make you less attractive

Physical attractiveness plays its part in a romantic relationship, your partner is going to find you desirable as long as you are physically attractive. Insufficient good quality sleep is going to show on your face ultimately and your partner makes not find you desirable and that can cause trouble in your relationship.

2. Sleep deprivation can hurt your sense of humour

You very well know that making your partner laugh is perceived as one of the important qualities to be considered as romantic. Having a good sense of humor is considered as a basic ingredient for being attractive to your partner and good for your relationship. Lack of good quality sleep inhibits high-level cognition and mood which is going to harm your sense of humor.

3. Sleep deprivation reduces relationship happiness

Relationship happiness can be measured by the closeness of partners, secured relationship, and how positive your emotions are by being in a relationship. Your sufficient good quality sleep is going to have a huge impact on your relationship happiness. As per some studies, partners with lesser sleep problems also tend to be happier and secure in their relationship and have a higher amount of positive emotions.

4. Sleep deprivation can lead to arguments

It is normal for one partner to disagree with others when you are in a relationship and there are going to be times when you have arguments that should be resolved without letting it ruin your relationship. Studies have found that sleep deprivation of one partner can lead to arguments and breakdown in relationships. People who are sleep deprived tend to have negative emotions and are less successful at conflict resolution and force arguments just to justify their thoughts which can harm the relationship.

5. Sleep deprivation impairs good decision making

Every relationship demands decisions to be made from time to time that is vital for having a long-term, stable and healthy relationship with your partner. These decisions that you take as a couple require sensitivity towards the needs of both the partners and are going to have consequences in the future. You should assess these decisions accurately so that none of the partners feels left out or not taken care of which can ruin the relationship. Sleep deprivation is known to hurt your decision-making abilities, like being impulsive, easily distracted or less innovative, and not being able to contribute to decision making which can break your relationship.

6. Sleep deprivation reduces feelings of gratitude

Showing gratitude for the things that partners do for each other is an important part of a healthy relationship. Insufficient good quality sleep can lead to a lack of gratitude and can hurt partners, who start feeling underappreciated for their efforts and may result in a total breakdown of the relationship.


Sleep is vital for your physical and mental well-being and equally important for the health of your relationship with your partner. Insufficient good quality sleep can make you irritable, more emotional, weaken your decision making which can lead to trouble in your relationship. To get sufficient good quality sleep, you should have a perfect sleep environment and should follow healthy sleeping habits. These factors should help you to get sufficient good quality sleep that can make a huge difference in the quality of your relationship.

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