Sponsored Video: NTU Students Create 3D Printed Electric Car

We have seen 3D printers making the headlines recently with the capability to manufacture products from high-fashion accessories to medical implants. Little did we expect that an innovative team of students from Nanyang Technological University would wow our Little Red Dot with the country’s first 3D-printed “urban solar electric car” prototype!

NTU 3D Printed Electric Cars Singapore - AspirantSG
Photo from NTU Singapore

When Ilmi Wahab, a computer engineering student and Ng Kok Choong, a mechanical engineering student, first joined NTU, they didn’t even know how an internal combustion works. But at NTU, they were given the opportunity to work on the 3D-printed car and it is all set to hit the racetrack at Shell’s Eco-marathon Asia in Manila later this month.

3D Printed Cars By NTU Students - AspirantSG
Photo from NTU Singapore

In addition to NV 8, the students also built a partially-solar-powered, battery electric, three-wheeled racer prototype called the NV 9, which claimed to achieve around 425 km (264 miles) per kWh of electrical energy. The racer has a special tilting mechanism that will enable it to lean up to 40 degrees in the direction of the turn and take sharp corners with minimal speed loss.

NTU NV 9 Racer Car Singapore - AspirantSG
Photo from NTU Singapore

It was a dream come true for them and would be very inspiring for new students who are looking at applying for university. Do share the video of their journey to inspire your friends to start their future at NTU. Apply now at NTU Website.

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