Three Legs Cooling Water Now Comes In Lychee, Guava & Lime Flavours!

Many of us in Singapore grew up with Three Legs Cooling Water. I still fondly remember how my mum always prescribes a bottle of Three Legs Cooling Water whenever I eat durians, deep fried food and chocolates as these are “heaty” foods that would cause ailments associated with excessive “heatiness”, such cough with sticky phlegm, chapped lips, mouth ulcers or even fever. To me, Three Legs Cooling Water is a traditional remedy of love, containing natural minerals used to relieve body heatiness which also serves a supplementary function of hydrating the body.

While on my way to meet my friends for sinful (probably very heaty) gourmet indulgence, I went into a 7 Eleven outlet to get my Three Legs Cooling Water. I was pleasantly surprised that this traditional beverage now comes in 3 new flavours –  Lychee, Guava and Lime!

We later found out that the introduction of these three new flavours was done in conjunction with their 80th-anniversary celebrations. The Three Legs Brand logo stands today, as an enduring icon that has withstood the changing times and generations, symbolising a heritage of goodness and service to the people. Without compromising on its original product benefit in relieving body heatiness, these 3 new fresh fruity flavours are suitable for folks of all ages. That would be just right, one new flavour for each of us to wash down our spam fries!

Three Legs Cooling Water main ingredients are raw Gypsum Fibrosum and Calcitum. These natural minerals are “cold” in nature and work synergistically with the deionised water to purge the excessive heat out of our bodies. They help to increase membrane and capillary permeability hence increasing the flow of body fluids to the tissues under our skin.

Folks who lack sleep or are stressed at work, you may want to keep a bottle by your desk. Stress and lack of sleep can cause an imbalance to the body’s Yin and Yang, and thus create internal “heat”. So drinking the cooling water helps to restore the balance. The natural minerals in the water are also neuro-sedatives and anti-stress minerals, which means they work well as natural tranquilizers.

These three new flavours go well with dishes that are heaty and oily in nature. We used the refreshing Three Legs Cooling Water Lime to counter the heavy deep-fried fish and chips instead of the usual Lime Juice which contains a ridiculously high amount of sugar.

The Lychee and Guava flavour are good for ladies who love a tinge of sweetness in their drinks and goes well with almost anything!

With these new three flavours, we can now have the best of both worlds with a beverage that’s deliciously fruity and healthy. Three Legs Cooling Water is no longer just a traditional remedy we go to when faced with heatiness, acne,  constipation or mouth ulcer. We can have it anytime, anywhere by just popping one bottle into our bags! Mum always says ‘Prevention is always better than cure’. Go sample these three new flavours yourself!

Launch Promotion

Buy 4 cartons (Lychee or Guava) at $92 and receive 8 free bottles of Lime Flavour as well as free delivery to your preferred address (Singapore only). TOTAL SAVING:$43.20 

$23/carton (Lychee or Guava) and received 2 free bottles of Lime Flavour (Self- collection). TOTAL SAVING $10.80

Promotion runs from now until end March 2017. Please call 62755677 or email to make your orders today!


These three new flavours are also up for grabs at NTUC Fairprice, Cold Storage, 7 Eleven, Cheers, Sheng Siong, Mustafa, SPC, Prime Supermarket, Buzz Kiosk, Chinese Medical Hall and Provision shops.

Follow Three Legs Cooling Water Facebook Fan Page for more information!

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